Curriculum Vitae

Name : Henry Mulana Nainggolan
Place, Date of Birth : Batam, 18th September 1985

Nationality : Indonesia
Language : Indonesian and English
Marital Status : Single

B.Sc. Geophysics - Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) 2010
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
Study Program : Geophysical Engineering
Specialty : Seismology

  • Experienced Field Geophysicist and Data Processor over 3 years with more than 15 projects
  • Responsible to QC Analog and Digital Seismic Data on survey vessel
  • Marine geophysical, hydrographic and bathymetric surveys for hazard assessment
  • Compile preliminary / final reports to Party Chief / Data Center Manager
  • HSE Implementation

  • 2D Seismic Exploration Surveys
  • 2D High Resolution Seismic Surveys
  • Pipeline Route Surveys at Offshore
  • Pre-Lay Surveys of Pipeline Route
  • Cable Route Surveys at Offshore
  • Pre-Lay Surveys of Cable Route
  • Platform Approach Surveys at Offshore
  • Seabed Clearance Surveys at Offshore
  • Pre-Lay Surveys of PL Route at Nearshore
  • Gravity Corers
  • Box Corers
  • Grab Samplers

    Company / Institution : PT. Mahakarya Geo Survey
Industry : Oil / Gas / Petroleum
Location : Jl. Tebet Raya No.91 A, Jakarta Selatan 12820
Position / Duration : Geophysicist / 2012 to Present
Work Description :
  • Marine geophysical, hydrographic and oceanography survey.
  • 2D/3D marine and land seismic acquisition.
  • Seismic data processing and geophysical non seismic (SSS, SBP, Magnetometer, and geotechnical).
  • Responsible to QC Analog and Digital Seismic Data on survey vessel.
  • Compile preliminary / final reports to Party Chief / Data Center Manager.
      Company / Institution : PT. Pertamina Upstream Technology Center
Industry : Oil / Gas / Petroleum
Location : Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.6, Kwarnas Building 11 st Floor, Jakarta Pusat 10110
Position / Duration : Seismologist / 2010 to 2012
  • Provide seismic data processing and ensuring quality control to those each results.
  • Prepare reports and performing other related tasks as assigned by supervisor.

  • Job Training (October 2008-March 2009) at Center for Research and Development of Marine Geology (PPPGL– ESDM), Bandung. Location / Phone : Jl.Dr. Junjunan No.236, Bandung 40174 / +62226032020. Description : 2D Seismic Data Processing of Gorontalo Basin Area by Using Software ProMax.
  • Final Project (November 2009-July 2010 ) at Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG– Badan Geologi), Bandung. Location / Phone : Jl. Diponegoro No.57, Bandung 40122 / +62227203205. Description : 1D Velocity And Hypocenter Estimation of 2003 Earthquake In West Java Using Simultaneous Inversion Method.
  • Geological Excursion at Karang Sambu (2006)

Student Association of Geophysics And Meteorology (2004–2010), at ITB Bandung.
Occupation : Member
Contribution : Conducted surveys for natural disaster mitigation, created publication for reunion and graduation event.

Indonesian Student Christian Movement (2008–2009), at Bandung.
Occupation : Head of Organization Division
Contribution : Assisted to maintain member activities, performed to develop regulation concept and internal policy, generated information and communication systems.

Operating System : Microsoft Windows, Red Hat Linux, and Ubuntu
Geophysical Software :
  • ProMAX (Landmark Graphics Corporation)
  • GeoGraphix (Landmark Graphics Corporation)
  • SMT Kingdom (Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc.)
  • Omega (WesternGeco)
  •  Hampson-Russell (CGGVeritas)
  • Seismic Unix (CWP-Colorado School of Mines)
  • Coda GeoSurvey (Coda Technologies, Ltd)
  • SonarWiz (Chesapeake Technology, Inc.)
  • Oasis montaj (Geosoft, Inc.)
Gridding Software : AutoCAD, Terramodel, Fledermaus, and Surfer
IT Software : MySQL
Hardware : Building Network (FTP, WLAN and LAN) and assembling PC.



Election Polling

Who are the president and vice president of Indonesia Republic of your choice?

Orang yang bersemangat dapat menanggung penderitaannya, tetapi siapa yang akan memulihkan semangat yang patah?” Amsal 18:14.

Beragam persoalan bisa menimpa siapa saja. Entah orang kaya atau miskin, tua atau muda, setiap orang selama hidup di dunia ini selalu berhadapan dengan berbagai persoalan. Setiap orang, terlepas dari status sosial, pendidikan, profesinya, dan bahkan sebagai hamba Tuhanpun tidak terluput dari yang namanya pergumulan atau persoalan. Manusia harus berhadapan dengan masalah selama hidup di dunia ini. Setiap orang tentunya memiliki persoalan yang berbeda-beda.

Kita tidak boleh menyerah, walau badai apapun yang sedang menerpa. Sebab pencobaan yang kita alami tidak pernah melebihi kekuatan kita, seperti yang disebutkan dalam Firman Tuhan.

“Pencobaan-pencobaan yang kamu alami ialah pencobaan-pencobaan biasa, yang tidak melebihi kekuatan manusia. Sebab Allah setia dan karena itu Ia tidak akan membiarkan kamu dicobai melampaui kekuatanmu. Pada waktu kamu dicobai Ia akan memberikan kepadamu jalan keluar, sehingga kamu dapat menanggungnya.Amin.” 1 Kor 10:13.

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